How it works

You can order in 2 different ways

We like to make it easy for you. You choose how you order.
Please contact us for all your questions and comments.

1. Order in the web shop

Order online in the web shop.
You will receive an automated confirmation of your order within minutes per email.

Within a few days you will receive a detailed order confirmation per email.
With payment in advance, you then will also receive the original invoice per email.
With payment on account, you will receive the original invoice after delivery.

2. Order based on a quotation

Ask for a quotation. When you agree with the offer, you can send us your order by mail, fax of telephone.
A few days after your purchase order you will receive a detailed order confirmation per email.
With payment in advance, you then will also receive the original invoice per email.
With payment on account, you will receive the original invoice after delivery.